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Clean Energy
Climate Change
Ocean Acidification
Paris Agreement
Barack Obama
Obama Administration Gives $500M to UN Climate Change Fund
Barack Obama
The Irreversible Momentum of Clean Energy
Barack Obama
Obama’s ‘Historic’ Conservation Legacy Beats Teddy Roosevelt
Barack Obama
Obama Bans Drilling in Parts of the Atlantic and the Arctic
Barack Obama
[Watch Now]: Leonardo DiCaprio’s ‘Before The Flood’ Trailer
Barack Obama
Obama on Climate Change: The Trends Are ‘Terrifying’
Barack Obama
China and U.S. Bring Early Paris Entry into Force Big Step Closer
Barack Obama
Obama and Xi Formally Commit U.S. and China to Paris Climate Accord
Barack Obama
Obama’s fast move to join the Paris climate agreement could tie up the next president
Barack Obama
Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau to Join Forces on Climate Change
Barack Obama
Obama administration pays out $500m to climate change project
Barack Obama
President Obama’s 2016 State of the Union Address
Barack Obama
Read Now: President Obama’s Remarks On Climate During COP21 Press Conference
Barack Obama
Don’t let Paris attacks stop COP21 climate change deal, Obama urges
Barack Obama
Barack Obama optimistic of reaching climate change deal at Paris summit
Barack Obama
Obama Takes on Climate Change: The Rolling Stone Interview
Barack Obama
India PM Modi talks climate change with Obama
Barack Obama
Obama’s New Climate Change Call: Yes We Can
Barack Obama
Obama Makes Urgent Appeal in Alaska for Climate Change Action
Barack Obama
UN chief welcomes climate change plan unveiled by President Obama
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