The historic Paris climate agreement will enter into force on November 4, exactly 30 days from today, when the accord met the thresholds needed for entry into force. The agreement takes effect 30 days after it has been joined by at least 55 countries representing at least 55% of the world’s emissions. The first threshold was met following a special ceremony at the UN on September 21, and the second threshold was met today when nations of the European Union deposited their instruments of ratification at the United Nations today.
U.N. Spokesman Farhan Haq said the EU, Canada and Nepal are all expected to deposit their instruments of ratification over the course of the day Wednesday. “By the end of the day, we expect the Paris Agreement on climate change to have crossed the second and final threshold needed for it to enter into force,” he explained to the Associated Press‘s Michael Astor.
“The Secretary-General has been very encouraged by the tremendous positive support from a broad coalition of countries from the largest emitters to the small island developing states to bring the Paris Agreement to life as soon as possible,” Haq said.
Image: Climate leaders celebrate following the adoption of the Paris Agreement on December 12, 2015 at COP21 | Image Credit: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)