November 6, 2017
Join us Monday, November 6 as we kick-off COP23 with the #Uniting4Climate Global Digital Surge, hosted by Connect4Climate, United Nations Foundation and the Fijian COP23 Presidency. To advance climate action further, faster, together, the Surge will showcase how an unstoppable Grand Coalition of governments at every level, civil society, businesses, universities and individuals are all “Uniting for Climate Action”. Use the hashtag #Uniting4Climate to join this worldwide conversation and share your bold climate solutions. You can get the full social media Toolkit here.
Schedule of Digital Activations
**All times in Eastern Standard Time (EST)
12:00 AM – 12:30 AM
Apidae Creative Facebook: @apidaedevelopmentinnovations
Twitter: @apidaeDI
Creating Film to Unite4Climate Action | We are running a facebook live interview with the industry manager of the Environmental Film Festival Australia to highlight the incredible stories from the recent festival, including how the film industry is approaching climate change solutions through Cli-Fi and documentary. We will have a focus on the Pacific also and promote the Uniting4Climate VR competition, and the upcoming “Pacific Voices from Fiji” facebook live events/cultural performances on the 15th and 16th Nov. |
12:40 AM – 1:00 AM
Twitter: @_Climates
Uniting4Climate in Fiji | We will share views on climate impact, solutions, and actions from the heart of Fiji through Vox Pops sourced on Nov 6th. This will be the voices of everyday citizens of Fiji sharing their experiences, actions they want to see happening, and their hopes for outcomes from COP23 in Bonn. “Further, Faster, Together” will be the theme. This will be supported by tweets that highlight important moments of the stories. |
1:00 AM – 2:00 AM
Center for Policy Analysis Twitter:@pwatchug, @ruthaine |
State of Climate Change in Uganda | A Twitter Chat with the Parliamentary Forum on Climate Change mainly looking at laws and legislature around Climate Change in Uganda. |
5:30 AM
The Climate Group, Facebook/Instagram: @climateoptimist Twitter: @ClimateOptimism, @ClimateGroup |
Climate Optimist | The Climate Optimist campaign wants to create a positive mindset shift among the general public, to turn the tide towards climate optimism, and to make it the new normal. Follow their social handles throughout the day for inspiring messaging. |
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Impact Hub Kuala Lumpur, @ImpactASEAN |
ASEAN + Climate Action | ASEAN Impact Challenge is a regional program to discover innovators and entrepreneurs from Southeast Asia who are accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through cross-sector partnerships and scaling disruptive innovations. This Twitter chat will bring together the finalists of the challenge.
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
One Young World, @OneYoungWorld |
One Young World Ambassadors | One Young World will share compelling stories (in the form of videos and infographics) from young leaders who are creating solutions to climate change and taking climate action around the world. |
9:00 AM
Instagram Story Youth Takeover | The two young founders of Europe on Four Wheels will be taking over UNICEF’s Instagram account to inspire young people to take climate action. They are currently bicycling across Europe to bring awareness to climate change. |
9:00 AM
Climate Comic Contest Global Vote | UNICEF has launched a contest where young people have submitted superheroes combating climate change for a chance to publish their own comic. The superheroes of the selected finalists are up for a global vote on the campaign website from November 6th-17th. UNICEF can provide a social media pack with visual assets and copy. |
9:00 AM – 11:59 PM
Mission Blue, @mission_blue |
Mission Blue Activation | We’ll have an Instagram Story with a couple ocean pictures, talking about how Hope Spots (marine protected areas) mitigate climate change. We’ll have a get involved CTA and include both MB’s Hope Spots link and the Connect4Climate link, as well as #Uniting4Climate.
10:00 AM
World Bank Group, @WBG_Climate, @WorldBank, @JimYongKim |
Feature story – A Small Island Country Steps Forward to Unite the World Behind Climate Action | A feature story on how the World Bank Group is ramping up action around key focus areas such as mobilizing climate finance and supporting vulnerable countries in building resilience to climate impacts. |
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
World Bank Group, @WBG_Climate, @WorldBank, @JimYongKim
VR film: Our Home, Our People | The COP23 Presidency and the World Bank will launch a 360 interactive video on social media highlighting efforts in Fiji to combat climate change as part of the united effort around the world. |
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Connect4Climate, @Connect4Climate World Bank Group, @WBG_Climate |
Facebook Live: Uniting for Climate Action Campaign | A live discussion from COP23 in Bonn on the “Uniting for Climate Action” campaign with representatives from Fiji, Germany and other partners. Fijian Minister Seruiratu will respond to questions asked by youth from the Pacific region for World Bank Group Pavilion opening. |
10:30 AM
COP23 Presidency, @COP23 Facebook/Instagram: @cop23fj |
Hyperactivate Digital Mosaic | The COP23 Presidency will launch the Hyperactivate digital mosaic that will aggregate social media messages using the #Uniting4Climate hashtag. The messages will form an image depicting the traditional Fijian Drua, symbolizing the grand coalition coming together in one canoe to take climate action. |
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM SocialGood Ghana, @SocialGoodGhana |
SocialGood Ghana will lead community engagement on Twitter concerning climate change awareness. |
11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Green Hope Foundation @KehkashanBasu, @GreenHopeYouth |
#Uniting4Climate Twitter Dialogue | The Green Hope Foundation will host a panel discussion on Twitter. |
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Ecopreneurs for the Climate, @ECO4CLIM, #ECO4CLIM17 |
Ecopreneurs, Ecosystems and Cities: Implementing the Paris Agreement & SDGs through Sustainable Businesses and Networks | 2 weeks after the 2017 Global Week of Green Business and the Climate Movement (ECO4CLIM17, October 16-22, eco4clim17.ecopreneurs4climate.org), climate organizers from around the world will join forces once again for the #Uniting4Climate Global Digital Surge Day during COP23‘s inaugural day. Via Facebook Live events, organizers will chat with climate-championing ecopreneurs and key partners; focusing on their contributions to the Paris Agreement & UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and how supportive ecosystems of stakeholders and resources, and networks of cities act as key levers to scale up impact.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Our Climate, @ourclimateus, #PutAPriceOnIt |
Carbon Pricing Digital Time Capsule Highlight Reel |
Our Climate students are collecting stories about that why carbon pricing is an important solution to preserving some of the most dear things in their lives and why we must #ActOnClimate. We are making a highlight reel video of some of the stories. |
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM CAA Foundation, Twitter: @CAAFoundation, Instagram:@CAAFoundation |
Clients for Climate |
The CAA Foundation will share CAA clients who have been active advocates fighting climate change, with shout-outs around some of their specific actions in 2017. |
1:00 PM – 1:30 PM
SustyVibes, @sustyvibes |
Climate Change Awareness in Nigeria | SustyVibes will take to Twitter to share simple information on climate change to help citizens make better choices. |
1:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Sustainia, @Sustainia, #Cities100 #GOexplorer |
100 Solutions in 100 Minutes: 100 Cases of City Climate Action | Sustainia will share 100 innovative solutions from cities around the world – in just 100 minutes! By presenting some of the best examples of urban climate action in their Cities100 reports, they will show how cities are not only taking climate action, but are leading the fight against climate change. |
1:30 PM – 1:40 PM
Fair Observer, Facebook: @FairObserver |
360° Live | The Fair Observer will hold a Facebook Live that will examine the immense impact of climate change on the daily lives of people from Beijing to the Bay Area. Their Founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief Atul Singh will be speaking. |
2:00 PM
Climate Nexus, @ClimateNexus |
Infographic: Climate Action Since Trump’s Election | Climate Nexus will produce an infographic with a timeline of events demonstrating global commitment to climate action since the election of President Trump in November 2016. |
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
C40 Cities, #Cities4Climate, #Deadline2020 |
Cities4Climate | Cities will share how they are committing to the Paris Agreement and climate action.
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Green Africa Directory, @GreenAfricaDir |
Cities Uniting for Climate | This Twitter Chat will follow a question and answer format, exploring and engaging how cities are vulnerable to climate change, which cities are taking bold action on climate change, examples of innovative city level solutions to climate change, how cities can better collaborate and share knowledge/resources/solutions to accelerate climate action and will call on participants to share their messages to leaders at the UNFCCC COP23. |
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Little Sun, Facebook: @ilovelittlesun Twitter: @LittleSun Instagram: littlesunenergy |
Connected by The Sun – A Global Solar-Powered Sunrise | COP reminds us that we are all a part of our planet’s problems, but that we can also find solutions to climate challenges. Every choice we make, every day can be a ‘little solution’ that combats climate change. We can all be climate activists, and we need to take action! Together we raise our Little Suns in a solar-powered sunrise as a symbol for the right to sustainable energy access for all. |
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM
@plus_socialgood |
Businesses Take Climate Action | The private sector is among the leaders of the climate movement. This chat will explore how companies around the world are standing up for our planet. |
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM
UN Foundation, Climasphere Instagram: @UNFoundation, @Climasphere |
#EyeOnClimate Instagram Story | UN Foundation and Climasphere will share compelling photos of climate impacts and solutions submitted by users from around the world to elevate the urgency for bold climate action. |
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Rainforest Partnership, @RainforestPrtnr, Facebook: @rainforestpartnership |
Engaging People For Our Planet Through Creative and Sensory Initiatives | One hour of live discussion showcasing ways to use the creative arts and sensory experiences to inform and inspire people who might otherwise not engage on behalf of our planet. Our hope is to inspire others to devise their own innovative approaches for engagement with audiences who aren’t moved to action through traditional methods of outreach. We will illustrate this discussion with film shorts from our annual International Films for the Forest competition, sounds from our Rainforest Listening Initiative, and an overview of a convening event, World Rainforest Day. |
We’re uniting around the world to declare our support for climate action.
Join us!