Poverty + Development

The UN’s Global Goals get a rebrand to spur people to action

The UN isn't going to solve global poverty if no one understands what they're talking about.

How do you turn dry UN-speak into something that ordinary people actually care about?

Project Everyone is an attempt to rebrand the new Global Goals for Sustainable Development—the UN’s vision for ending extreme poverty and tackling climate change by 2030—so that non-wonks start talking about it.

As the project’s website says:

If the goals are met, they ensure the health, safety and future of the planet for everyone on it. And their best chance of being met is if everyone on the planet is aware of them.

It’s not a simple challenge, when the goals are laid out in long, wordy, and fairly inaccessible documents. Sir Richard Curtis, director of films like Love, Actually, came up with the idea of the rebrand and turned to designers at Trollbäck + Co for help.

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