After a contentious national election, a new poll conducted by a bipartisan research team and released today by the Better World Campaign finds that registered voters remain unified in support of international cooperation and diplomacy as key tools of U.S. foreign policy –especially at the United Nations.
Without active participation at the UN, including full funding, our nation’s ability to achieve our foreign policy and national security objectives would be severely diminished.
The poll shows that 88% of Americans support active engagement at the UN. The vast majority – 81% – also support the U.S. working with major allies to solve global challenges rather than acting alone.
The nationwide poll of 800 registered voters was conducted December 7-12 by the bipartisan research team of Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research Associates with a margin of error of ± 3.46 percent. Respondents were equally split between Republican and Democrat voters and those who supported Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton for president.