Poverty + Development

International Monetary Fund boosts efforts to help countries finance development

In the spirit of Addis, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has announced it will take measures to boost access to its resources, help countries better mobilize domestic revenue and focus more of its own work on issues such as equity, inclusion and the environment.

As countries meet in Addis Ababa to consider ways to ensure adequate financing for sustainable development, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is taking measures to boost access to its resources, help countries better mobilize domestic revenue and focus more of its own work on issues such as equity, inclusion and the environment.

Working the numbers, we felt we could lend more to lower-income countries.

The measures are intended to better support countries in their pursuit of the set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which world leaders are expected to adopt in New York in September and which focus on ending poverty, transforming lives and protecting the planet.

The Deputy Director of the IMF’s Strategic Policy and Review Department, Sean Nolan, said that ahead of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, the Fund took a look at its operations “through the lens of FFD” to see how it could improve its work.

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