There’s a statistic that climate activists are fond of repeating: 97 percent of climate scientists agree that human-caused climate change is a real thing. But while it makes a convincing case, some doubters have argued that the case for climate change is far from settled in the scientific community at large — and, indeed, there have been few investigations into how other scientists, aside from just climate experts, feel about the issue of anthropogenic climate change.
A survey published Thursday in the journal Environmental Research Letters attempts to put the case to bed. Using responses from nearly 700 biophysical scientists, the survey finds that approximately 92 percent of them believe that human-caused climate change is really happening.
These results show again that climate science is trusted, is mature, is reliable.
“These results show again that climate science is trusted, is mature, is reliable,” said Stuart Carlton, a coastal ecosystem and social science specialist at Texas Sea Grant (formerly at Purdue University, while the survey was being completed) and the study’s lead author.
Carlton and his colleagues sent surveys to nearly 2,000 biophysical scientists at universities in the Big 10 conference (which primarily includes universities in the Northeast and Midwest). The scientists surveyed included experts in a broad range of disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics and geosciences, and also included some climate scientists.
The inspiration for the survey came partly from the idea that many prominent climate change doubters in the scientific sphere come from disciplines other than climate science. The driving question, according to Carlton, was, “Are these people representative of what scientists believe about climate science?”