White House Releases Clean Power Plan

The White House releases its Clean Power Plan, which is being heralded as the US's strongest-ever climate action.


On Monday, the White House announced its latest Clean Power Plan rules, which will cut power plant emissions. White House adviser Brian Deese stated that these rules from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) represent “the biggest step that any single president has made to curb the carbon pollution that is fuelling climate change.”

The EPA rules give each state an individual goal for reducing emissions from electric power plant. How the state chooses to meet this goal is up to each state, giving them the freedom to boost efficiency, renewables, cap-and-trade, or other means to meet their goal. States will submit plans by 2018, with implementation to begin by 2022.

The plan will reduce CO2 emissions from US power plants by 32% by 2030, slightly more ambitious than the 30% reduction projected in last year’s proposal.

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