How Climate Change Fuels Conflict

As temperatures soar and drought increases, many in Africa are losing their livelihoods and turning to groups like Boko Haram to survive, Deutche Welle reports.

In their latest edition of eco@africa, Deutche Welle examines the role of climate change in conflict in Africa. As extreme weather including floods and heat waves threatens food, water, and livelihoods, scarcity, migration, and conflict is on the rise. With this growing instability, some young men are joining militant groups like Boko Haram, Deutche Welle reports.

Deutche Welle’s video report travels across the continent to examine this issue. In Tanzania, they follow sixteen-year-old Gertrude Clement, who is using radio to discuss the impacts of climate change on children in her community.

Watch the full video report from Deutche Welle:

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