Our world is “careening towards an environment never experienced before by humans,” The Guardian warns as the latest “State of the Climate” report is released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
The international report finds that 2015 toppled records across the board — air and ocean temperatures are hotter than ever recorded (with last year being the hottest on record), sea level rise is at an all-time high, and carbon dioxide surpassed an important symbolic milestone when CO2 concentration broke 400 parts per million at the Mauna Loa research station in Hawaii.
Other major Earth changes in 2015 in the NOAA report include the Arctic’s lowest maximum sea ice record in the 37 years of recording, as well as continued ice loss in the world’s alpine glaciers and the Greenland ice sheet.
Image: A 2009 photo of the Greenland ice sheet. NOAA’s recent State of the Climate report warns that the sheet experienced melting over more than 50% of its surface in 2015 | Image Credit: Christine Zenino via Wikimedia Commons