Poverty + Development

Andrew Steer tells U.S. lawmakers: Paris Agreement is a “big deal for the world; good deal for America”

Representative Ami Bera on tackling climate change: “It’s smart business, it’s smart investment and it protects our planet for the next generation. It’s the right thing to do.”

By Sarah Parsons for the World Resources Institue

The landmark Paris Agreement on climate change came under tough scrutiny yesterday from members of the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, with a spirited defense of the deal by Dr. Andrew Steer, WRI President and CEO.

Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, a Texas Republican, said the Paris Agreement “will increase electricity costs, ration energy and slow economic growth.” Speaking at a hearing titled, “Paris Climate Promise: A Bad Deal for America,” Smith said the global deal would hurt the U.S. economy and have no significant impact on temperatures.

Three witnesses called by the Republican majority echoed Smith’s concerns about economic impacts, climate science and the constitutionality of U.S. compliance with the Paris Agreement. Steer, called to testify by the Democratic minority, made a compelling case for the necessity of the Paris Agreement, saying that it will improve the U.S. economy while heading off the worst effects of a changing climate.

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