Goal 17 - Partnership for the Goals

Ad Chiefs Unite to Support UN Sustainable Development Program

World’s six largest advertising companies set aside rivalries to promote UN’s ambitious goals with global ad push.

global goals

The world’s largest advertising companies are setting aside their rivalries and joining forces to help spread the word about the United Nations’ ambitious development goals, which range from controlling climate change to wiping out poverty.

“If millions would be aware, it would put pressure on governments to move on some of these issues.” Jan Eliasson, deputy secretary-general of the UN.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will be joined by advertising companies WPP PLC, Omnicom Group Inc., Publicis Groupe SA, Interpublic Group of Cos., Dentsu Inc. and Havas SA on Friday to unveil a new collaborative initiative called “Common Ground,” which will help promote the UN’s Sustainable Development program.

The development goals were developed by the UN and adopted by 193 countries last year. They call for countries to improve the planet and people’s lives by tackling 17 different world issues, including securing women’s rights and improving sanitation, by 2030.

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