Did you know that entrepreneurs might just be the ones to save the world? Well, it is true and we need your help. According to the World Bank, 600 million new jobs need to be created over the next decade to employ the eligible workforce or we face having a global jobs crisis in our hands. Today, 200 million people around the world are unemployed and the structural issues that propel the problem, income inequality, global warming, lack of education to name a few, are compounded by the projected population growth of the workforce in the next 15 years
The majority of large corporations and governments are not growing at the same rate as the population and therefore the responsibility to combat the pending job crisis falls to each one of us. We have to employ each other.
Take 30 seconds now and sign the petition to show the United Nations that Sustainable Goal 8, aimed at improving entrepreneurial climate around the world, is critical to lift people out of poverty and into security, health and innovation.