Climate + Energy

3 projects and organizations pushing the ‘sustainable seafood’ movement to the mainstream

Sea Delight Ocean Fund raises awareness not only by setting boots on the ground in fisheries both at home and overseas, but also by educating culinary students about responsible supply chains and sustainability.

You’ve heard of “farm to table,” but what about “pole to plate”?

You may want to get used to hearing the phrase. Sustainable seafood is a growing trend, both within the restaurant and CPG industries, and as an environmental movement. Seafood labeled “sustainable” means that it has been either farmed or caught in a manner that takes the long-term ecological repercussions, ocean/marine conservation and the future of the harvested species all into account.

The issue is an important one. One commonly cited statistic states that 85% of the world’s fisheries are fished to or past the maximum sustainable limit.

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