Gender + Equality

How Climate Change Impacts Women the Most

Climate change directly impacts the ability of women to achieve their own human rights and increases gender inequalities.

The United Nations will finalize in September its Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to eliminate poverty while reducing humanity’s environmental discussion, including lessening the harmful effects of climate change. And some advocates are working to spread the message that climate change impacts men and women differently — and the UN goals need to reflect this sometimes grim reality.

“In the climate change process specifically, we want the normative framework to embed gender equality,” said Verona Collantes, a climate change specialist with UN Women, the international agency’s gender empowerment organization.

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Because women are frequently responsible for caring for children and the elderly, they’re often the last to leave when a disaster strikes.

The proposed goals include a mission to achieve broad gender equality, including eliminating sexual violence and childhood marriage, and increasing women’s political and economic leadership.

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