Global Challenge, Global Solutions: Rescued Healthy Groceries Feed the Food Insecure

Daily Table col­lects ex­cess healthy food and sells it as con­veni­ent and af­ford­able meals and gro­cer­ies to Bo­ston’s food in­sec­ure.

“Global Challenge, Global Solutions” is a series hosted on Climasphere highlighting inspiring, innovative, and creative global solutions to the challenge of climate change in the lead up to the next major climate conference, COP22. These solutions have been provided by members of the Earth To Marrakech coalition, a group of more than 50 media organizations, civil society groups, and businesses from around the world who are raising their voices in a collective call to move from words to action on climate change. Let’s send a message, from Earth To Marrakech: The solutions to climate change are out there, and they’re inspiring. 

Rescued Groceries Feed the Food Insecure

Cities - Daily Table

Daily Table is a re­tail gro­cery store that brings aff or­d­able gro­cer­ies and healthy pre­pared meals to Dorchester, a Bo­ston neigh­bor­hood typ­ic­ally un­der­served by healthy food op­tions. Daily Table is able to offer low prices by us­ing produce that is either in excess supply, near its expiration date, or cosmetically blemished, but is nutritionally sound. Us­ing this re­covered food lowers costs, mak­ing it pos­sible to offer tasty, nu­tri­tious, ready-to-eat meals at prices com­pet­it­ive with un­healthy op­tions such as fast food.

The food is provided by a large net­work of grow­ers, dis­trib­ut­ors, man­u­fac­tur­ers, and other, mostly local, sup­pli­ers, who donate their ex­cess healthy food, or provide spe­cial buy­ing op­por­tun­it­ies for Daily Table.

Nearly 15% of Amer­ican house­holds were food in­sec­ure at some point dur­ing 2014, yet more than one-third of adults in the USA are obese or over­weight. All the more troub­ling is the fact that every year 60 mil­lion tons of food is wasted in the USA 3 at the con­sumer and re­tailer levels. By util­iz­ing the 30% to 40% of food that nor­mally goes to waste, Daily Table is help­ing to solve these in­ter­twined chal­lenges.



Within eight months of its launch, Daily Table had re­covered ap­prox­im­ately 272,155 kg of food that would oth­er­wise have been wasted.

By in­creas­ing ac­cess to af­ford­able ex­cess pro­duce, Daily Table helps re­duce food in­sec­ur­ity while pro­mot­ing healthy eat­ing habits.

Elim­in­at­ing food waste can save up to $162 bil­lion a year just in the USA.

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