47 New Ways To Turn Carbon Dioxide From a Planetary Threat into a Valuable Product

XPRIZE announces 47 entries in their $20 million competition for technology that converts carbon dioxide into a useful product, Fast Co.Exist reports.

A $20 million prize is powering creative thinking to addressing climate change around the world as the XPRIZE announces 47 entries for its carbon dioxide conversion competition. As Fast Co.Exist reports, the Carbon XPrize — a four-year, $20 million prize competition that aims to cultivate technologies that convert CO2 to a valuable product — announced this week that it has received 47 entries from around the world.

The teams behind the entries range from researchers, startups, and even a team led by a high school student. The proposals look to convert CO2 into everything from liquid fuel to power cars, to building materials like cement on concrete, to proteins that can be used by the food, animal agriculture, or aquaculture industries.

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